Under the Circumstances

Author: Angel’s Kuuipo

Email: angelskuuipo@yahoo.com

Parts: 11


~Part: 11~

Several hours later, Angelus quietly opened the connecting door between his and Willow’s rooms.  She was lying in the big four-poster bed on her side, facing him.  A single candle burned low on the bedside table, casting her features half in shadow.  He stood, taking in her peaceful face; still not quite believing this fey creature was his.

Willow and Faith had left him earlier so that he could talk with his mother.  It had been an enlightening conversation and now he was filled with conflicting emotions.  The doctors had told his parents there was something wrong with his father’s heart and brain, but other than suggesting plenty of rest and trying not to over-excite himself, they had nothing useful to offer in the way of treatment.  His father was dying.  Angelus couldn’t quite accept that.  On one level, he knew his parents would not be around forever, and it wasn’t as though he had much to say to his father, but it seemed too soon to be contemplating his life without the ever-present disapproval of one Bernard Connors.

Then there was his mother.  Angelus smiled faintly in recollection.  The Clariece Connors he spoke with this evening bore little resemblance to the quiet wren of a woman he knew growing up.  He could see now why Willow was so taken with her.

Willow’s sleepy voice brought him out of his thoughts.  “Angelus?”

He looked down at her and said softly, “I didn’t mean to wake you, kitten.”

She smiled faintly and pulled back the covers, offering him her hand, “I tried to wait up for you.”

Angelus slipped out of his dressing gown, leaving him clad in a pair of black silk pajama pants, and slid into bed beside his wife.  He watched her as she turned to blow out the candle behind her.  When the room was in darkness he pulled her into his arms and she rested her head on his chest.

“Your back must be feeling better.  You didn’t even flinch when you turned to blow out the candle,” he said.

He felt her cock her head against his chest and grinned into the darkness at the mild wonder he heard in her voice.  “I didn’t even think about it.  Yes, my back is feeling better.  Jenny’s remedies usually do work quickly.”

Angelus tightened his arms around her, silently vowing that she would never have need of her friend’s healing aids again if he could help it.  He sighed in contentment when Willow started absently stroking his chest.

“Do you want to talk about it, Angelus?”  She asked quietly.

He knew what she was referring to, but the conflicting thoughts and feelings that had been stirring in him since dinner were settled down now that he held her.  He didn’t want to awaken them again.  Lifting her chin he kissed her gently on the lips.  When he pulled away, he said, “Not tonight, love.  Go back to sleep.”

Willow snuggled against him again.  He heard her murmur softly, “Goodnight, my Angel,” just before sleep claimed her again.

He smiled as he drifted off to sleep as well.  “Goodnight, kitten.”


Willow woke to the smell of fresh roses and the sensation of velvety softness brushing over her face.  Her eyelids fluttered open and she found Angelus lying on his side facing her, with his head propped up on one hand.  His other hand held the single blood-red rose he was currently trailing over her features.  The heated look in his dark eyes was intense and sent a shiver through her.

“Angelus?”  She queried hesitantly.

He didn’t respond, just continued stroking the petals of the flower over her face.  He followed the flower with his lips, ending at hers.  Willow, still groggy with sleep, met his kiss slowly.  Angelus half-covered her as he deepened the kiss.  She hardly noticed when he started inching her nightgown up her legs.  The kiss broke long enough for him to remove her gown and Willow was suddenly quite aware that her husband was naked and very ready for her.  She thought he would take her right away, but instead he took up the rose again and began trailing it over her body.  Memories of what transpired the day before flitted through Willow’s mind as she writhed under Angelus’ ministrations and she wanted very much to make him feel as good as he was making her feel.

Sitting up, Willow tugged on Angelus’ arm.  He looked at her with desire-filled eyes and she smiled softly.  “I want to see you.  I want you to teach me to give you pleasure.”

Angelus flowed back up Willow’s body and kissed her deeply.  She let her hands wander over his skin, feeling the resilient muscle underneath and moaned softly.  She pushed lightly at his chest and he laid down, stretching out fully for her perusal.  Willow got to her knees and let her hungry gaze travel her husband’s nude form.  She flushed when her eyes lit on his arousal and licked her lips unconsciously.  Angelus moaned and she looked at him enquiringly.

“Touch me, sweet Willow.  I want to feel your hands and your mouth on me,” he said roughly.  His voice was hoarse from sleep and she shivered at the dark timbre of it.

Boldly reaching out, Willow wrapped her hand around his hard shaft and stroked from root to tip as he had shown her the day before.  Angelus shuddered in pleasure and Willow smiled.  She felt moisture at the tip of his shaft and saw it was leaking a clear fluid.  Curious, she swiped the tip of her finger through it and brought it to her mouth, which brought a harsh groan from Angelus.  His taste burst on her tongue and she wanted more.  Willow moved to straddle him and nudged his legs apart so she could kneel between them.  She leaned down and daintily darted her tongue out to taste him.

Angelus shut his eyes against the erotic picture his wife presented.  They shot open again when he felt her warm, wet mouth take the head of his shaft inside.  He looked down to see Willow watching him, as she tasted him.  He automatically brought his hands down and wound them into her hair, holding her still as he shallowly thrust into her mouth.  She had asked him to teach her how to pleasure him, but he thought she was doing just fine on her own.  She held him in one hand and slowly removed him from her mouth with a soft pop.  Willow proceeded to lick and nibble at his flesh until she had made her way to the heavy sac below.  At the first swipe of her tongue on the sensitive skin, Angelus couldn’t take anymore.

He grabbed her by her shoulders and hauled her up his body, latching onto her lips as soon as he could.  Angelus rolled them over so he was covering her and quickly made a place for himself between her thighs.  He checked her readiness and was pleased to find that she was slick and waiting.  Peppering her face with kisses, he entered her with one swift thrust.  Willow gasped as Angelus filled her and threw her head back on a long moan.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he thrust deeply.

Angelus was lost.  He looked at Willow and saw that her eyes were closed.  “Open your eyes, Willow.”  She did as he asked and he caught his breath at the passion and trust he found in the green depths.  He adjusted their position so he could enter her more deeply and saw the surprise that flared in her gaze.  The soft words she’d murmured the night before came back to him and he begged roughly “Say it again, kitten.”

Willow looked at him in confusion even as her inner walls tightened around him.  What did he want her to say?  Angelus read her confusion and panted out, “Last night you called me Angel, your Angel.  I want to hear it again.”  He sped up his thrusts, pistoning his hips as he held her gaze.

Willow gasped and arched her back in pleasure.  “Mine, my Angel.”  Breathlessly she cried out, “Angel!” as she hit her peak.

Angelus followed her at the sound of his shortened name on her lips, groaning out, “Willow!” as he emptied himself inside her.  He collapsed onto her for a moment before rolling to the side and curling her against him.  He lightly stroked her back as they fought to regain their breath, only stopping when he felt her flinch away from his touch.  He looked down at her questioningly, “Willow?”

She smiled ruefully as she sat up, “I don’t think I was quite ready for that.  My back is still rather tender.”

Angelus looked at her in dismay, “Did I hurt you badly?  I’m so sorry, kitten, I didn’t mean to.”

“I know you didn’t and it’s not as though I was complaining.  I quite enjoyed myself.”  She turned a lovely shade of pink as she said that, but held his gaze nonetheless.

Angelus smirked and cupped her cheek, “Yes, I know.  You are so very responsive.  It’s intoxicating.”

Willow leaned into his caress, “You make me feel quite wanton.”

Angelus smiled at her honesty.  His smile vanished at her next question.  “Did you and your mother talk?”

“Yes.  I’d really rather not discuss it.”  He watched the light dim in her eyes and cursed himself as she withdrew into herself.

“Forgive me, my lord.  I did not mean to pry.”  Willow made to leave the bed, but Angelus hauled her bodily back to his side.  She looked at him with slightly wounded eyes, but said nothing.

“You are not prying, kitten.  It’s just that I don’t know what to say.  My father is dying and while I truly hold no affection for the man, it pains me to see him brought low.  He’s always been there in the background and the thought of that no longer being the case…”

“Confuses and angers you?”  Willow offered when he trailed off.

He looked at her in surprise, “Yes.  How do you know?”

Willow shrugged, “You’ve held him in contempt for so long that you’re confused as to why you would be saddened at his imminent passing and you’re angered by the fact that there’s nothing you can do to help him.  He’s you’re father, Angelus, and despite all the animosity between the two of you, that fact has never changed.”

“You are quite a woman, Willow Connors.  Mayhap with you around, he and I might come to an understanding yet.”

Willow flushed at the praise.  “I’m just sharing my observations.  Um, if you’d like I could suggest that he and Clariece speak to Jenny.  She may be able to give him something for his heart.  She’s a very talented healer.”

Angelus thought about that and nodded, “I think that is an excellent idea.”  He glanced at the mantel clock and grimaced, “I had no idea it was getting so late.  I’m to meet William in an hour.”

Willow studied the coverlet, “You are going out today?”

Angelus lifted her chin, “I’m afraid I must, kitten.  If you remember, last night my father said he’d heard about the circumstances of our marriage at his club.  That means someone has been spreading tales, and I aim to discover who.”

“You think it was Rayne or my uncle?”

“If it was, then neither will continue living in the style to which they are accustomed.  I will ruin whoever is responsible.”

Willow nodded, feeling no guilt whatsoever that her uncle and aunt might soon find themselves more penniless than they currently were.  However, as Angelus started to get up, she said, “Keep in mind that servants talk, Angelus.  I was far from quiet in sharing my opinion of my situation when I found out.  It’s possible that the tales spread through the help.”

Angelus smiled and kissed her on the nose.  “Quite possible, love.  We’ll be thorough.  What are your plans for today?”

“I thought I might persuade Wesley to join us at the theater this Friday evening.  If I know Faith, she’ll not take the steps necessary to set things right, even though she cares deeply for him.  She’s stubborn that way.”

“Quite the matchmaker, aren’t you?”  Angelus asked in amusement.

Willow smiled, but her eyes were serious, “Only when it matters.”

Just before he entered his room, Angelus asked, “Do you think you’ll be up to attending the Travers’ ball tomorrow evening?”

Willow paled.  “Are you sure you want to reveal us so soon, milord?”

Angelus cocked his head as he studied her, “The sooner the better is what I’m thinking as long as you agree.  Is there a reason why you don’t want to be seen in public with me?”

“It’s not that!  It’s just…” she trailed off and studiously avoided his gaze.

Angelus walked back over to the bed and tilted Willow’s chin up.  “It’s just what?”


He blinked, “What about her?”

“Quentin Travers adores her and I have no doubt that she will be there.  I don’t know that I’m ready to deal with her.”  //And I don’t know if I’m ready to deal with seeing the two of you together, even if you are married to me.  Paranoid?  Just a bit.//

Some of her insecurity must have shone in her eyes, because Angelus sat down next to her and said, “Please believe me, Willow, when I say that I harbor no tender feelings towards Buffy Summers.  I’ve seen you take on barons and dukes in debates ranging from politics to crop rotation and have them bow to your opinions.  Surely you can handle one simpering debutante?”

“Buffy Summers is more vicious than a pack of rabid dogs when she wants to be.  The Duke of Elster is a big fluffy puppy with bad teeth compared to her when she unsheathes her claws.”

Angelus smiled and tried to contain his laughter at the description of the powerful Duke being described as a puppy.  “Well, my fiery kitten, if she unsheathes her claws, don’t hesitate to unsheathe yours.  You can more than hold your own.  I’ve seen it.”

Willow shook her head, “Not with her.  For some reason, when she starts to insult me, all I can do is make vowel sounds and run away.”

Angelus stared at her, exasperated.  “For heaven’s sake, Willow.  Buffy Summers is just a girl.”  When Willow looked at him quickly then looked away, he said speculatively, “What is the real reason you don’t want to attend this ball?”

Willow sighed and forced herself to meet her husband’s annoyed gaze.  “I don’t like being the center of attention, Angelus.  It’s not my way.  Gwen Travers is one of the biggest gossips of the ton and is always on the lookout for some little tidbit to feed the mill.  Add in the fact that Buffy is her little darling and, well…I don’t like the thought of handing her one of the biggest stories of the Season, an Original marrying the Mysterious Earl in haste.  We would know no peace.”

Angelus quirked one eyebrow up, “The Mysterious Earl?  Been reading some penny dreadfuls, have we?”

Willow stared at him nonplussed for a moment before chuckling lightly, “That big speech and you focus on that?  You are mysterious, Angelus.  You rarely come up in the rumor mill.  No one knows that much about you.”

//I made her laugh// he thought with a smile.  Taking her hand, he said, “I value my privacy.  Those who are close to me know what they need to know.  With time, I think you’ll come to know me better than anyone.  That is as it should be.”

The mantel clock chimed the half hour and Angelus grimaced.  Willow sighed in chagrin, “You’re running terribly late, milord.  I’m sorry to have kept you.  I really would rather not attend the Travers affair if possible.  I would prefer to make our debut in a more friendly arena.”

Angelus nodded in understanding, “I understand, kitten.”  He cupped her chin to hold her gaze and said very seriously, “In the future, please don’t hesitate to be honest with me.  The one thing I cannot abide is lying.  It serves no purpose and only winds up hurting everyone involved.”

Willow stiffened slightly, “I wasn’t exactly lying, Angelus.  Believe me, I am in no hurry to face Buffy Summers.  It is definitely not high on my list of entertainments.  I may not hesitate to speak my mind in conversations, but causing scenes is quite another matter.”

Angelus conceded, “All right, Willow, we’ll wait.  We’ll see what invitations are in the post today and decide then.  Right now, I really must go.  If I’m too late, I’ve no doubt William will come up to see what is keeping me.  I do not intend to share the sight of your delectable body with him.”

Willow blushed as his gaze swept her still nude form.  She had forgotten that she was without apparel.  She said, “He wouldn’t!”

Angelus smiled as he kissed her one last time, “He most certainly would.  The sensitive poet you know is only one side of one Mr. William Cavanaugh.  I should be home by five at the latest.  Have a good day, sweet Willow.”

After he was gone, Willow rang for Faith to help her get ready for the day.  In any other circumstances, she would have taken care of herself, but her back was still bandaged and after her rather vigorous morning, Willow thought it prudent to wear the salve and bandages one more day at least.  The only problem was getting out of the house afterwards without her best friend.  It wouldn’t do for Faith to accompany her to Wesley’s office.

Her dilemma was solved when Clariece asked Faith to accompany her on some errands, explaining that she had been away from London for so long that she was quite unfamiliar with some of the better places to shop now.  Faith had looked quite surprised at the request, but after receiving an encouraging nod from Willow, she accepted readily.

After the pair had left, Willow set out on her mission.  She wasn’t about to let Society’s snobbery keep two very special people apart.

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